Thursday, 24 May 2012


Debate transcription :

   Assalamualaikum and very good evening to my lecturer and all my friend,. The first speaker said about the basic of the evaluation aesthetic. Now I can tell about subjectivism is also the basic because when we evaluate the other art we use a experience what we feel the artist to say and we evaluate with with we fell and experience refer to subject matter and composition, what the art the use the matter and principle of art. After that, subjectivism is important than emotivism because when we evaluate the design or art, we evaluate use the subjectivism unnoticed because all people don’t know to evaluate the design with emotivism because is very hard to understand because we has to know what the designer to say because only artist make the artwork understand what he want to tell. The another point subjectivism is more easy to practic then emotivism because we use the experience and the feeling. Emotivism we must to know how the feeling a very deep because emotivism have the many type example happy, sad, fear and disgust. Finally, subjectivism is dominant to evaluate aesthetic than emotivism.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012



  This animation tells the story of  ‘Kami 1 Malaysia’ section of the Upin and animation. This story using the cute characters and funny of childhood. This animation combines the various ethnic groups namely Malay, Chinese, and India in accordance with the title of ‘Kami 1 Malaysia’. After the audience to see the animation, audience would laugh suddenly look funny when done by the children. For example in the shooting scene in which a child shot a wrong person, the scene has made the audience laugh because it was funny. In addition, the audience will be laughing for a while when I see toy gun wherever as remembered animated Upin and time. Sad situation also arises for a moment when Opah difficult to describe the situation during the war. This is because the audience remembered the war and the difficult time to get food for fear of the Japanese. Audience will also feel anxious moment when half the bombs thrown by the Upin and alarming sound effects and slow motion are used. In addition, audience be smiling and laughing for a moment to see the behavior of Indian children who want to play together but he used a toy is not suitable. Audience was laughing and smiling because of the way talking and sound effects are removed from the pistol funny.
  In addition, I want to criticize my friend got this video of the criticism of aspects of subjectivism. I agree about what is being criticized because in terms of this criticism is assessed through vision, through what we see. For example, in this animation is a combination of various races, the Malay, Chinese and Indian with a children character cute and funny. When audiences see this animation they will smile and laugh about the funny done. Fill in the second by subjectivism criticism is that the animation is easy to understand after watching it. The story is very interesting and not difficult to understand even though it incorporates a variety of people in this story. Furthermore this animated story of the war with the action of inserting the children play war massacre and grandmother in this story also tells the story of the war in the past. In the story of the war may be specified by the grandmother tells it during the war and hardship. This animation uses an interesting character who sees it. Character used is a cute character, cheerful, and funny. With this character the audience will be more interested and remember what we want to.
  In conclusion, each animation can be assessed by emotivism, subjectivism, relativism, and objectivism. Every aspect has their own criteria. Finally, the animation is very entertaining audiences for a variety of emotions can be born when watching the animation. Thank you.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012



Why We Love (or Hate)
Everyday Things
Donald A. Norman

  This book tells the aesthetic preferences that depend on culture, for example in Japan. In addition, Norman said about the aesthetics of the emotions, objects, and humans. This book is related to the important concept of design that is often overlooked, role emotional function of psychological theories of cognition of objects and emotions. Design features are divided into three, non development, synergy, and references from nature. When I carefully this book also touches the depth of the things we use every day to make us really think about something we do. This book is all about the intention of an object and how objects are designed, which can make the object what it is. All objects that are designed with purpose, meaning, and function by the inventor.

   In this book he also incorporates the ideas of his previous work with some exciting new psychology. This book examines the issues are more complex and forward-thinking, and I found it very useful to me to read and think outside the box. There are a lot of useful content that I can. There are many things also that I did not expect, but is expected by the author is Norman. In addition, he brings some interesting issues about the interaction of human emotions, environment, and objects. Although I find it hard to understand but it appears the issue is very open mind when I read it.

   However, the book is very interesting (not as eye-opening as the design of Everyday Things), and the epilogue is used to place the entire design process emotions in perspective. In addition, the content of this book is based on the study reveals how the product can make us feel better, and how they influence our lives in various contexts of use. Norman in the book he says, "as we like to see an object, we are willing to let the defects in design as opposed to using something with no defects and ugly design." The verse in the book he writes. It means buyers choose what items they like and satisfying feeling when they have the goods even if the goods are not as pretty, but useful to those like him. All objects in the design aesthetic value and have its own, nothing that the produce does not have a function.

   Not only that, she has also expanded his ideas about design in his book, broken down into a number of behavioral design, visceral, and reflective. First, the level of behavior, namely, how they work and eat in and influenced by the level of reflection. Second, there is a visceral level, which is a reaction that is probably natural and genetic programs, an immediate and direct, responsive look, color or sound products and nutrition to the level of behavior. This led to the emergence of a buyer to buy. It is about beauty, the appearance of security, and the like. Third, there is a reflective level, which includes the user's personal associations and subtexts purpose that a designer may try to merge. Not only that, the level of reflection in which we make value judgments, think about things, and where the memory effect of the experience. Visceral and reflective level preferred by the elite, and they are willing to pay a lot for them, and throwing things can still use for fashion. It is a completely different mentality and are associated with personal pleasure and a sense of emotional satisfaction that comes from the object, which blur the line design and art. This is the attitude of some people to have a product. As Norman said, people react and interact with everything and everyone on all three levels, it is a fundamental fact of our souls. Norman has stated in his book is that the products work better when they interact with consumers at the reflective and visceral addition to the standards of behavior.

   In conclusion, Norman describes a lot about the importance of design, the role of emotions in the function of psychological theories of cognition of objects and emotions in daily life. For me, this book is fascinating for its contents made me more thinking outside the box. There are also elements of science described by Norman on the limbs and the brain that controls the body. Everything stated in this book is closely related to the aesthetic value. Although this book is not as difficult from the previous book I read from the book of philosophy, it is difficult for me to understand. However, this book is very interesting. This is the only that I can write a book that I read Norman according to my understanding.

Thursday, 1 March 2012


On The Aesthetic Education Of Man

By Friedrich Schiller (1795)

                                            First Letter to Fifth Letter

   Friedrich Schiller wrote letter Aesthetic Education of Man in 1793 to a friend Christian Friedrich, Prince of Denmark. in 1795 a letter was published and give due consideration to the nature of the aesthetic worth today. This letter is written to the Prince of Denmark and of course it be royal. This letter is also inserted in the language of political philosophy, but I am also a lack of understanding about it. This collection is not easy to read but have a hidden meaning. Although this kind of reading can be challenging for the modern reader, I went through this book and thought provoking book that anyone who reads. This is because the philosophy difficult to describe. If we examine the philosophy and understand our philosophy and learning to appreciate the beauty of the game is valuable, Schiller will be proud of us because his letters effectively. Table of contents written in this letter does not directly, but allegorical, hidden, philosophical, and it is also beautiful and there is art and people.

   This book touches on various topics, we know there is often related to aesthetics. However, the letter consider the nature of beauty and art and its relationship with humans. Beauty is one of physical beauty, which means the envelope with the intellectual and moral beauty. Intellectual beauty, real beauty, can only have the principle that all truth. Understand the moral beauty of two different elements, the beautiful, justice and welfare. Therefore God is the principle of three orders of beauty, physical, intellectual, and moral.

    According to my reading, for beauty, Schiller seems to arise as a synthesis between opposing principles "the highest ideal to be sought in perhaps the most perfect unity and balance of reality and nature". Among the features that beauty is the first pleasure of getting free of interest. Beauty both appear to us as the object of general excitement, without awaken our awareness of abstract ideas and categories because of us would refer to the judgment. Third beauty must embrace to meet the end of the relationship itself, but in a dry manner of compliance that must be defended without ideas offered to mind the end.

   Although it is not accompanied by an abstract idea, should be acknowledged as the object of beauty that should be fun. In the letter he stated that the beauty of meditation work for free, and in entering into the world of ideas, but without leaving the world to taste. Beauty is to me an object, and yet at the same time the subjectivity. Beauty is the form that we consider, and life as we think, in a word, it is thus the state and the arts. And it is precisely because it serves as evidence of a victory of suffering does not include the activity, matter or form, or limitation that is not finite, to enjoy both the beauty of nature are united, and that this is not proved that the finite capacity developed in the finite, and accordingly the possibility of supplement humanity. The statement specified was found in the letters written by Schiller. There are aspects of beauty in his extensive letter.

    Not only that, Schiller discusses the ideal of human nature and how the motivation for the game to interact with nature, especially human and rational aspect in juxtaposition form a sensation in itself. Overlap, is discussed at length with the synthesis described in terms that suggest transcendence that culminated in our humanity. Man and nature is essential for Schiller as his reason for writing his letter, but "the first appearance of Man is no longer reason in the beginning of humanity. Last was not decided until he is free".

   In addition, through discussions of art and fine art work Schiller brings us closer to the concept of what art means to people and the importance of human concepts. Schiller admired many see the role of history and art and freedom of discussion is important in art. Very extensive discussion of art and according to Schiller, freedom is achieved when the sensual and rational in a fully integrated human but his aesthetic disposition is seen as coming from the City. This letter provides the blood that is rich in ideas from which the reader is intelligent, ambitious and careful attention can find inspiration in aesthetic considerations and the nature of the artwork in his letters. Anyone interested in reviewing the reading is suitable to read his letters as there are a lot of beauty and art and aesthetic letter. I mean this  letter discusses about the art as the ideal of human nature and how the motivation for the game to interact with nature and with beauty. Man and nature are not cut off.

   In conclusion, this book is difficult to understand, but it is interesting study because many aspects of aesthetics can be studied in a letter written by Friedrich Schiller, entitled "On the Aesthetic Education of Man" is very confusing for me to understand even the first letter to read from the fifth letter. There are many aspects of aesthetics and philosophy set out and very difficult for me to understand. However, this is all that I am able to understand to delve into the story from a letter written by him. Many of the issues stated that the allegorical-philosophical analogies and difficult to understand. This book is very interesting and challenging for me to understand. Verse and contents are very interesting and full of research for me.