Wednesday, 14 March 2012



Why We Love (or Hate)
Everyday Things
Donald A. Norman

  This book tells the aesthetic preferences that depend on culture, for example in Japan. In addition, Norman said about the aesthetics of the emotions, objects, and humans. This book is related to the important concept of design that is often overlooked, role emotional function of psychological theories of cognition of objects and emotions. Design features are divided into three, non development, synergy, and references from nature. When I carefully this book also touches the depth of the things we use every day to make us really think about something we do. This book is all about the intention of an object and how objects are designed, which can make the object what it is. All objects that are designed with purpose, meaning, and function by the inventor.

   In this book he also incorporates the ideas of his previous work with some exciting new psychology. This book examines the issues are more complex and forward-thinking, and I found it very useful to me to read and think outside the box. There are a lot of useful content that I can. There are many things also that I did not expect, but is expected by the author is Norman. In addition, he brings some interesting issues about the interaction of human emotions, environment, and objects. Although I find it hard to understand but it appears the issue is very open mind when I read it.

   However, the book is very interesting (not as eye-opening as the design of Everyday Things), and the epilogue is used to place the entire design process emotions in perspective. In addition, the content of this book is based on the study reveals how the product can make us feel better, and how they influence our lives in various contexts of use. Norman in the book he says, "as we like to see an object, we are willing to let the defects in design as opposed to using something with no defects and ugly design." The verse in the book he writes. It means buyers choose what items they like and satisfying feeling when they have the goods even if the goods are not as pretty, but useful to those like him. All objects in the design aesthetic value and have its own, nothing that the produce does not have a function.

   Not only that, she has also expanded his ideas about design in his book, broken down into a number of behavioral design, visceral, and reflective. First, the level of behavior, namely, how they work and eat in and influenced by the level of reflection. Second, there is a visceral level, which is a reaction that is probably natural and genetic programs, an immediate and direct, responsive look, color or sound products and nutrition to the level of behavior. This led to the emergence of a buyer to buy. It is about beauty, the appearance of security, and the like. Third, there is a reflective level, which includes the user's personal associations and subtexts purpose that a designer may try to merge. Not only that, the level of reflection in which we make value judgments, think about things, and where the memory effect of the experience. Visceral and reflective level preferred by the elite, and they are willing to pay a lot for them, and throwing things can still use for fashion. It is a completely different mentality and are associated with personal pleasure and a sense of emotional satisfaction that comes from the object, which blur the line design and art. This is the attitude of some people to have a product. As Norman said, people react and interact with everything and everyone on all three levels, it is a fundamental fact of our souls. Norman has stated in his book is that the products work better when they interact with consumers at the reflective and visceral addition to the standards of behavior.

   In conclusion, Norman describes a lot about the importance of design, the role of emotions in the function of psychological theories of cognition of objects and emotions in daily life. For me, this book is fascinating for its contents made me more thinking outside the box. There are also elements of science described by Norman on the limbs and the brain that controls the body. Everything stated in this book is closely related to the aesthetic value. Although this book is not as difficult from the previous book I read from the book of philosophy, it is difficult for me to understand. However, this book is very interesting. This is the only that I can write a book that I read Norman according to my understanding.

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